Thursday, January 8, 2015

2015 Annual Juried Exhibition, Toward Interdependence: (In)Security in the 21st Century

Entry Deadline: 1/12/15


Images - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 3 
Video - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 1 
Total Media - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 3 

Theme Description

Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.

-Albert Einstein, 1930

Americans live in a world where security threats seem to lurk everywhere. Our newsfeeds are rife with stories of dangers from around the world, including the recent Ebola outbreak, the extreme “superstorms” of climate change, and a fragile economy measured by the daily rise and fall of the stock market. These issues can seem like many disparate emergencies, separated by discipline and geography—but if the deep wisdom of nature can teach us anything, it is that our world is infinitely interconnected, and truly effective social, political, and environmental solutions might begin with that recognition.

Rather than emphasizing long-term, interconnected solutions, we too often try to meet challenges to our sense of well-being as if they are separate, and in the process, our efforts to ensure a secure future can become counterproductive. We find ourselves giving up our natural resources to fuel industry and the economy; our civil liberties to track terrorists; and our tax dollars to fund defense initiatives that can pollute both wild places and urban neighborhoods. At the same time, extraordinary human creativity is helping us find visionary solutions that merge the social, economic, and ecological, as seen in our growing alternative energy industry, efforts to kick-start urban farming, and the renewal of bicycling as a popular form of transit.

In their capacity as thought leaders and drivers of change, artists have a unique opportunity to challenge dominant thinking, offer new inspiration, and expand the debate.  Artists throughout history have questioned how we conceptualize security and offered holistic responses to social and ecological threats. Among these are Joseph Beuys, Ai Wei Wei, Mel Chin, Amy Franceschini, Center for Land Use Interpretation, The Harrisons, Agnes Denes, Maya Lin, Maria Porges, Enrique Chagoya, Al Farrow and the Asco Collective. As a center of protest and artistic innovation, the Bay Area is poised to examine these ideas anew.

For the Brower Center’s 2015 juried exhibition, tentatively titled Toward Interdependence: (In)Security in the 21st Century, we ask Bay Area artists: what forms does security take in the contemporary world? How can we redefine security to emphasize resilience, interconnectedness, and ecological thinking?  


Catharine Clark, Director, Catharine Clark Gallery

Jackie Hasa, Director of Community Partnerships and Exhibitions, David Brower Center

Justin Hoover, Curator of Exhibitions, Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History

Aimee Le Duc, Executive Director, Berkeley Art Center

About the David Brower Center

The nonprofit David Brower Center is a vibrant place that inspires, sustains, and brings together people committed to environmental and social action. The Center offers educational and arts programs, stunning conference and event facilities, and high-quality office space for nonprofits — all in the greenest building in Berkeley. It is named to honor David Brower, a Berkeley native who many consider the father of the modern environmental movement.

Learn more about the Center:

About the Hazel Wolf Gallery:


Since it opened in 2009, the Hazel Wolf Gallery at the David Brower Center has featured exhibitions including the work of Maya Lin, Sebastião Salgado, Richard Misrach, David Maisel, Chris Jordan, and Amy Franceschini, among others.  Each exhibition explores the intersection between art and activism, with an emphasis on inspiring visitors to engage in environmental and social action – whatever that means to them.

Annually, the Center hosts a juried exhibition in which local artists are invited to participate. This is the Center’s fourth juried exhibition.

Artwork Specifications

-       Only existing works will be considered.

-       Artwork will be wall-mounted objects, video or temporary performances or events. 

-       All media will be considered, as long as all objects displayed for the duration of the exhibition are mounted to the wall. 

-       Wall-mounted objects must be between 24” and 72” wide and no more than 12” deep.

-       Works will be ready to hang. Typical works on paper need to be framed or mounted. In some cases, the David Brower Center’s professional installer may modify the artwork’s hanging mechanism in order to attach to the gallery’s custom wall hanging system. 

-       Video will be displayed on one of the Center’s wall-mounted monitors, which can play DVDs and computer files from a thumb drive or digital media player. It may be looped with other artists’ videos. Video should be appropriate for a roving gallery audience, rather than a theater screening.  Sound may be experienced only with headphones.

-       Temporary art performances or happenings that are clearly defined may be proposed as part of the exhibition’s event programming. These will occur within a limited time period only, such as one day or part of one day. Scheduling will be determined by the Center with input from the artist.

Exhibition Conditions

Artists are required to deliver artworks on Friday May 15, 2015 between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM.

Artists are required to pick up artworks on Friday September 11, 2015 between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM. 

Artists must provide written installation instructions for any artworks requiring special handing or installation methods.

Artworks may, but are not required to, be for sale.  Sales will be handled by the artist, with 20% of the sale price allocated to the David Brower Center as a donation.

Artists give the David Brower Center permission to reproduce images of their artworks and documentation of related events as part of the exhibition archive and promotion.

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